With over 2,500 Bestsellers under our umbrella, we know how to create books that top sell. Publishing and related services at Amazon means your book, in any format, easily reaches readers worldwide in the comfort of their homes.
Whether you need a book edited, published or converted to an eBook, we will do it for you!
Sell thousands of copies as Kindle-book, hardback or paperback, Amazon will manage the entire process and fulfill orders as they come.
Publish an eBook, hardcopy or an audiobook, Amazon will help you reach millions of readers!
Explore How We Create Bestsellers!
Our team works around the clock to gather your requirements to ensure your goals are known.
With the help of collected information, we assess your project and recommend growth possibilities and services.
Upon approval, we start the proofreading and typesetting process to fulfill publisher’s needs.
The Publishing team performs a QA to ensure an error-free book. Your feedback is incorporated.
Our publishing agents reach out to Amazon and guide you with self-publishing. Publish within three days.
We will administer your book’s sales and comments. We can also recommend strategies that will help you sell well.
Receive a 70% Discount
When you publish exclusively on Amazon
Join a list of upcoming, bestselling and growing authors.
Success to earn and grow is guaranteed with Amazon!
eBooks published for Amazon are compatible for tablets and mobiles.
Publish across twelve countries and languages – from Canada to India and Australia.
Authors publishing with us on Amazon have twice the reach.
Up-to 70% royalties and $100,000 per month in revenue for bestsellers.
Your book will stand out with unique designs and illustrations.
Have your eBook published as hardcopies and audiobooks to witness growth in sales.
Audiobooks are the fastest growing eBook segment in the world. With a year-on-year eighty percent growth, twice the price compared to regular books, your possibilities to top sell and grow are amazing!
With one-fifth of all books sold at Audible, Amazon’s reach is increasing at a rapid pace. You can have your book featured on the main page or improve chances of purchases with book-reviews on trusted sites. This is then indexed by Amazon’s team. We can do it for you too!
Amazon also provides you a chance to manage your customer reviews. It can be a hassle or struggle to maintain reviews. We can also add new ones. Our partnering media platforms and bloggers can do it well for you and provide a much-needed boost and legitimacy to your book.
Have your book showcased as new portfolio on our website, create your own dedicated bookstore or do the same on our partner-publishing or media platforms. If you want, we will do it all for you. Endless possibilities are what we want for you!
A New Era of Earnings and Growth is Here!
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